No stitching yesterday. I did something even better. I went to my daughter's dance recital. This was Emma's fifth recital. She started lessons when we first moved here at eight years old. Of course this was after trying violin lessons, martial arts classes, voice lessons and soccer. She started dance lessons only because a friend was. After a year her friend quit the lessons but Emma has kept it up. It's such a joy as a parent to watch your children discover one of their true passions in life and share in that with them. My sons and I are still searching for their passions and well Mina's greatest passion in life right now is knocking down block towers.
Emma danced two recitals that day. This is a picture of here taking her lunch break in between shows. That's her jazz costume. She also does tap (her least favorite) and ballet (oh, how she loves her toe shoes). My favorite was the ballet costume. She promised me that today she would dress up in it again and allow me to take a picture of her. She refused a picture in her tap costume because it's "frumpy" (her words not mine). She always looks so grown done up in her costumes and makeup. The recital includes all classes at the Dancenter from preschool (how cute those little girls look in their tutus) up through high school. I watched the girls perform that are now the same age Emma way when she started then I saw her perform and it showed me in such a clear was how much she has grown. It literally took my breath away and she's only thirteen. I imagine when it comes time for her to do her senior solo performance I should bring a box of tissues with me.
I'm almost done charting the next freebie so look for that next week and I plan on getting as much stitching done as possible in the last week of school and will hopefully have a border finished to share with you.
Jennie Lynn
it is lovely to watch them dance isn't it .... my daughter followed my footsteps and learnt to dance and I made her tutu's for her competition dances as well as her tap costume :) can't wait to see the photo's of Emma in her costumes ... I've got a picture of my mum on pointe and also my DD and scrap booked them ... :) love mouse xxxx
I love watching her (in part) because I can't dance . . . at all. And she's sooo good at it. We have a photo of her on pointe the day she got her first pair of toe shoes and she had to hold onto the table. The ease with which she can do it now astounds me. I wish I could make the costumes. They are so expensive. When she was younger we would have to buy only one, but now we have to buy three or four each year for the recital. Not including toe shoes, tap shoes, jazz shoes, tights, and practice leotards throughout the year. But she's worth it :)
She's gorgeous!! It's amazing how fast they grow. One minute, they're knocking down block towers, and the next they're graduating college!! Would love to see a pic of her in her ballet costume. And grats to her on her growth, and finding one of her passions! Can't wait to see progress pics (and the new freebie)!!
Hi Jennie Lynn:) Isn't it funny how they'll get all dressed up and dance in front of others, but are embarrassed to do it for mom? My daughter is like yours. Wants to do it all, especially when she was little. Your daughter is pretty:)
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