What seemed a reasonably simple task quickly became something more. The boxes already house more than one color thread: green and blue, orange and yellow and so on. Both to fill the box and to make color placement easier. Still I end up with a brown that is awfully golden, a blue so deep it could be black, and a green that could be brown. Of course, I think a large part of it has to do with my mood. I'll put a particular color in with yellow and then when I finally find it a few months later wonder why on earth it wasn't where it belonged in with the browns. I think I might be making this more complicated than it needs to be :)
I decided to pull out of the boxes all of my DMC threads and store them somewhere else. Where else I haven't decided yet. I also took out all of my Gentle Arts Simply Wool threads and am now keeping them with my wool scraps. I use them almost exclusively for wool applique so this just makes more sense. Or at least it does to me now. Aren't the colors beautiful? They're slightly different in color than their cotton thread counterparts. I don't use them very often but after seeing this photo I'm wondering why not.

I've tried so many different ways to organize threads and am always searching for the next "better" way. How do you keep your threads?
Jennie Lynn
In floss organizer bags, numerical order, in a large cardboard box with dividers. And a basket. And a drawer. On the sofa. Side table. Wall hutch. Another cardboard box. And a zippered plastic thingy.
I have mine in floss bags with the type of threads altogether on a round clip ring ie all crescent ,all gast together and just search for the colour I want when needed ... these are stored in cardboard boxes right next to me :) love mouse xxxxx
i throw all of my color values together...blues, browns, greens. etc...but then again, like you said, what looks like yellow to some, look more cream to me, so they'll end up with the whites!!!
I showed a really neat plastic case (a couple of posts ago) on my blog as to how I keep them...it works for me!
beautiful boxes btw :)
I keep all my DMC on plastic bobbins in a large plastic screw/nuts & bolts drawer organizer (like my DH would have). I keep my GAST, WDW, etc. stored on rings alphabetically. Not very imaginative, I know. Wish I had a better way to organize those. And I, too, have a basket that I toss the "rejects" into and then end up with a big mess to sort through and return to their rightful places.
I do think you can try to "organize" and then quickly spend all your time maintaining that organization that you could spend on stitching ;o) It's a vicious cycle.
Look forward to seeing how you end up sorting your threads!
I don't think there is any simple solution on organizing threads. I used to have them organized ~ but the more I stitch the more I find myself setting them on the coffee tables, in decorative boxes, on my craft table, now I think it's out of control. If you come up with something easier ~ please do share.
Prim Blessings
The question of the year...We all have different ways to organize...I have a large basket that holds my rings of GAST, Weeks and Crescent Cottons. They each have their own ring and those rings are alphabetized. Each one is in a flossaway box as I save every little scrap of thread it seems...Then I have a jammer box with dmc wound on bobbin cards. I have extra skeings of DMC and Sullivans in an old DMC drawer box. Then, my silks put in number order on large rings also...Belle Soie, npi, Avas, etc... I thought about grouping according to color, but I am one of those people who use the info from the designer, which is listed by number or name. So, this system works for me... Now if someone could share good ways to store their linen without creases, I will be good to go!
Thanks, Faye
Oh, boy. Now you've got me getting organized the right way. I think your system is ingenious.
Now I just need some shoeboxes.
I have been looking for a better way to store threads.Right now mine is in floss bags in shoe boxes too.Hugs,Jen
Every time I think I'm organized I find I'm not or I loose something! It just isn't meant to be. I am however keeping my overdyed threads in plastic bags in lovely painted boxes. Just too pricey to buy new all the time.
Rahhh ranger ces fils !
J'ai mis mes DMc dans une boite DMC de mercerie trouvé en brocante !
LEs Fils US , Gentle art et WDW , crescents color sont sur des anneaux comme toi mais dans une grand boite en fer . Une amie m'a conseillé cela pour les mettre à l'abris de la lumière qui les décolore !
mais j'aime bien ton rangement !
bon WE
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