Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A fresh start . . .

So this is how it was explained to me. The hardrive on a computer is like rows and rows of filing cabinets filled with files, each and every one of them necessary for the computer to operate. Now a couple of the files from my hardrive were "misplaced". As a matter of fact they were gone all together. They had been checked out and never returned and it was impossible to tell which two files were missing. As a result my computer refused to boot up and the only way to repair it was to reinstall the operating sytem.

My husband, my hero, my champion (do I ever owe him one) spent all day yesterday bringing my computer back to life. In a way my computer has been reborn, and is naked as a jay bird. There isn't a single thing on here. Not Microsoft Office Suite, not my photo editing software, not my design program, none of my files or photos . . . I need to stop now before I depress myself. Thankfully, all of my files are backed up regularly (again thanks to my husband). I just have to put everything back together again. I have chosen to look at it as a fresh start. Hopefully, it will result in a less cluttered computer. It will most certainly require several days worth of Mina's naps and perhaps a few late nights but my husband has promised to keep me in cups of tea.

Sooner begun, sooner done, so I better get to it. Wish me luck!


Jennie Lynn


cucki said...

good luck dear..
with lots of love and hugs
cucki xxx

Joy said...

sorry,guess you can be happy your hubby is around.

Peggy Lee said...

So good you had your files backed up...and SO SO good you have your champion there to fix it for you. I would be completely lost too if it weren't for my husband to bale me out.

Mouse said...

ohhh good job you had your files backed up ... isn't it a pain when something we rely on goes kerput ... hope its back to being better soon :) love mouse xxxx

Bertie said...

Oh I do feel for you :) good to hear you did a back-up!

Susan At Glen Oaks Primitives said...

Thank Heavens for the men in our lives.