Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Do you see what I see?

I'm not a photographer by any means. I love achieving a beautiful photograph but rarely ever do so. It's a talent, one I do not possess, but one I do covet. In an effort to acquire that talent (if that's even possible) I began a few months ago carrying my camera with me whenever I could. It was always within arms reach in the house, I took it into the yard when I went with Mina outside to play, I took it when I walked the boys to school . . . needless to say I had quite a few photographs on my memory card. I finally got around to downloading them onto my computer the other day. As I scrolled through the photos I noticed something about a few of them, each taken months apart. I put the photos side by side, transfered them into grayscale, played with contrast and exposure (I love photo editing software) and so I ask, do you see what I see?


ennie Lynn


Jean Barker said...

Very cool! JennieLynn. I think you already have the talent, but just discovering you have it!
Thank you for sharing your JOY with me.

dixiesamplar said...

What a lovely message to receive, "there is joy in everything"
Lovely pictures...

Krista said...

You are more talented than you think! Your pictures are a JOY, thank you for sharing. Have a lovely day.

cucki said...

Very lOvely pictures...
Thank you for sharing this sweet message with us..
Hugs xxx

BumbleBeeLane said...

Beautiful.Thanks for sharing the joy! Warm Blessings!~Amy

Susan At Glen Oaks Primitives said...

That's fascinating. So cool.
You take very nice photos.

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

Photo's like that are awesome!!!
Yours turned out great ~ you should frame them!
Thanks for sharing and seeing the joy!
Prim Blessings

Angie Berry ~ Berry Homespun Primitives said...

I did not see that until you pointed it out, that's really neat Jennie! You are more talented than you know. =]

Have a delightful week~