I am hosting a Stitcher's Challenge through Samplermakers, a wonderful group created by Lori Brechlin from Notforgotten Farm. If you're not a member yet but are interested in joining contact Lori at not4got@aol.com. It's a remarkable community of stitchers.
The Autumn Stitcher's Challenge starts on August 1st, when I'll be sending a message out to all members and ends October 1st. So if you'd like to join hurry up so you don't miss it. Those participating will recieve patterns for several motifs. You can create any size design, alter the designs, use all or some of the motifs, add your own designs, change the colors . . . the options are limitless. For those you who don't have access to a pay design program there's this wonderful program called KG Stitch you can download for free. I've had it on my laptop for years and never had any problems so no worries about viruses and the like. Of course you can also stitch without a pattern. Just start stitching and see where it takes you.
The only requirement of the challenge is that you share your work on Samplermakers. Discuss your design choices, ask for input from the other members, share inspiration, post pictures of your work . . .
If you're already a member or plan on becoming one just check your e-mail on August 1st for the pattern. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!
Jennie Lynn
Thanks for the heads up about the challenge. I hope to join the fun. I will email Lori right away and for sure will try the free program you so kindly posted the link for. Have a great week!
How exciting, thanks!
Jennie Lynn, this is really wonderful of you to put this together for all of us Samplermakers.
Thank you for your time and effort.
If I can find some time, I'd love to take part in this.
Hi Jennie Lynn! I would love to participate in this challenge! I couldn't find it posted on the Samplermakers forum though. I also want to thank you for hosting the Stash Swap. I had a lot of fun participating and I made a new friend of Kriss (Kountry Porch Primitives) She was a terrific swap partner!
Thanks again,
Sounds like a fun challenge!
I'm going to send out a message broadcast to all Samplermakers members and set up a forum post on August 1st. I just wanted to give you guys a heads up :)
That sounds like a lot of fun. Wish I was creative, lol.
Woohoo! I am so excited about this! I think that it will be a lot of fun. I haven't found time recently to be very active on Samplermakers, but I think this will get me over there right quick ;)
Thanks for organizing such a great idea!
Blessings, Patti
This sounds cool! I have been a member of Samplermakers for awhile... but shamefully have not been active. THIS might just be what pushes me to be more involved. Thanks you sweetie! :) I'll share on my blog too.
I can't wait for this challenge...it sounds like a lot of fun!
Hi my name is evelyne from France. I a m very exciting, impatiently , thanks. bye.
Fun!! Can't wait to do this with all you girls! I also use KG for my charting, passed it along to Mary at Gettysburg Homestead & she had success with it too. Looking forward to getting all the information & getting started! ~Kriss~
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