I'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile. This really is such a busy time of year for me. Spring is the time of birth for so many things including most members of my family :) Birthday season in our house starts on January 10th and continues on from that date. February 12th, March 1st, April 5th and 6th . . . For that time my house is never without a bouquet of helium balloons in every color of the rainbow, I make upwards of twelve dozen (that's a gross) of cupcakes, I am forever finding pieces of wrapping paper stuck with tape to my clothing, and there is an almost constant stream of family, friends, and well wishers through our door. On top of that is Spring cleaning, Easter, the start of the Spring soccer session and rehearsels for the Summer ballet recital. Thank goodness my two youngest are too young for after school activities; short of cloning myself I have no idea what I will do when they're no longer too young.
During my "off" days I am working on my punch needle, wool applique and the Spring Peacock. I'm also hoping to start work on a rag quilt and some make-do's. I don't think I have enough "off" days. Most days it's nice to have a project you can pick up for a moment or two and then leave for hours at a time. This past weekend, in between three soccer matches on a single day (10am, 1pm and 5pm) I covered my first paper mache box. Believe it or not this is one craft I have never attempted before. I have purchased painted and fabric covered boxes in the past but I thought I could give it a try. One can never have too many boxes . . .
I assure you the Spring Peacock pin cushion and needlebook will be finished this week along with my mud room and boiler room being cleaned of Winter clutter. Sring can be a wonderful time of year, but I can do with a little less hustle and bustle, and a little more sitting and stitching.
Don't forget about my giveaway!!!
Jennie Lynn
1 comment:
Although it's busy around your home, it sounds like a wonderful time being surrounded by fun, family, friends, and love!
I know all too well about crafting in between games, practices, and all that time spent running kids everywhere! Your covered box looks awesome, especially for your first attempt! I'm assuming this won't be your last. =]
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