Printed Pattern: $10.50 which includes travel faire
E-Pattern: $8.50 sent within 24 hours as a PDF Attachment
Thank you so much for all of your kind words about
Euphemia Myles Sampler. It was due to all of your requests that I finished charting the design last night and put the pattern together this morning. If you would like to purchase either the printed or e-pattern you can send me a message at
Thanks again for all of your comments. I couldn't ask for better friends to share my work with :)
it is really a vert lovely patteren..well done xx
Just got the chart, Jennie.
Thank you so much! I have 35 count french vanilla in my stash for this.
I love the colours of this sampler. Will have to add it to my wishlist.
Oh, golly! Thank you, I'm so glad we asked you!
Warm Regards,
Susan B., Western MA
Congrats on finishing her up. I'm sure you'll have lots of sales!!
Beautiful stitch Jennie!!!!
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