Journey's End is finished . . . well almost. The stitching is complete, I'm simply waiting on my husband to make me a frame for it. In the meantime I'm picking a fabric to go around it. I like using fabric as a mat inside the frame. Really I try to use something from my fabric stash anytime I can; what's the point of having it sit in a box? I also have to decide how to finish the frame. Currently I have no ideas about that whatsoever. Whenever in doubt, though, white is always a safe bet.
Next up is Keeping Joy. It's very similar to Journey's End. As a matter of fact it uses a lot of components of Journey's End that just didn't end up working in the final design. That happens to me quite often. I think I'm going in a particular direction with a design and then suddenly it takes a sharp turn. Some pieces stay, and some go, and some I hate to see go. But if I'm particularly enamored with a certain piece of the design that just doesn't work I simply work it into another design. This time however I think I'm going to use pink rather than blue and gold. I adore pink; at this moment I'm typing on a pink laptop. I find myself gravitating towards pink quite often in my designing so I make a conscious effort to use other colors. I've been so successful that I don't have any designs in pink. I think it's time so stay tuned for that. I've already picked out the colors. I love having a finished piece but the idea of not having anything ready to stitch panics me, so I got together the supplies for Keeping Joy days ago. It's a quick stitch so I should have it up in a week or so provided the children don't get anymore snow days.
Jennie Lynn