Saturday, July 28, 2012

Summer Swan -- Free Pattern

I have to admit this has been finished and ready to post for a few days.  Sorry :( 

I've had to wait for enough time to post, add a link to my Free Patterns page, and upload the file to Google Docs.  All of that actually only takes a few moments but even that has been difficult to come by lately.  I've heard people speak of "lazy Summer afternoons".  I, myself, have yet to experience one.  No matter what the temperature my children never slow down, I just lack the energy to keep up with them.

Enough excuses, I've made you wait long enough.  This is simply my interpretation of the swan motif commonly found in antique Dutch samplers.  This was just a small piece of linen in my scrap basket, I'd received it as part of a swap package, but I can't remember from whom.  I wanted a design that could be stitched entirely in off-white thread.  I love the contrast of light colored thread against a dark linen background. 

If you would like to download the pattern simply visit my Free Patterns page, scroll all the way to the bottom and click on the link under the photo of the pattern finish.  As always, if you have any trouble, just e-mail me and I will be happy to send you the PDF pattern as an e-mail attachment.   



Jennie Lynn


cucki said...

aww it is so cute..i love her so much.
thank you
love xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Peggy Lee said...

Love the simplicity.
Thanks for the freebie!

aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

I love the white of the dark linen. I love to stitch on darker linen. Thank you!

mdgtjulie said...

Pretty, Jennie Lynn. I like swans! I love the lighter colored floss, but I don't like brown, so I'm not fond of the linen you used. I can see it done in white on blue though, and that would be gorgeous. Or on black, that would be fab too!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this lovely swan.
Have a nice day !

Ele said...

Hello Jennie,

thanks for offering us such a beautiful design, the swan is perfect for a summer decoration!

Greetings from Bavaria

Patty C. said...

Your patterns are always so charming!

sandi s said...

I love the pattern and the light and dark effect. I could not get it to print for me, would you mind e-mailing it to me? Thanks, Sandi